Style Request: Entomological Society of America

Hello - I am the managing editor for the journals of the Entomological Society of America. We have updated the reference and citation style for all of our journals. The following styles, listed below, are already present in the system and should be removed and replaced with this one style.  

American Entomologist
Annals of Entomological Society of America
Entomological Society of America
Environmental Entomology
Journal of Economic Entomology
Journal of Medical Entomology

The new style should be called "Entomological Society of America" and it will serve as the one official style for the following Journals:

American Entomologist: ISSN 1046-2821, EISSN 2155-9902
Arthropod Management Tests: EISSN 2155-9856
Environmental Entomology: ISSN 0046-225X, EISSN 1938-2936
Journal of Integrated Pest Management: EISSN 2155-7470
Journal of Medical Entomology: ISSN 0022-2585, EISSN 1938-2928
Annals of Entomological Society of America: ISSN 0013-8746, EISSN 1938-2901
Insect Systematics and Diversity: EISSN 2399-3421
Journal of Economic Entomology: ISSN 0022-0493, EISSN 1938-291X
Journal of Insect Science: EISSN 1536-2442

References and in-text citations
The ESA Journals style is based on the Council of Science Editors 8th Edition Name-year style. The official EndNote style is “XXX” and the official Reference Manager style is “XXX.”

In-text citations:
For materials with one author, enclose the first author’s surname and the publication year in parentheses, for example (Chang 1999) or (Smith 1970, 1975) to cite multiple works from the same author. For materials with two authors use both authors’ surnames and the year of publication: (Mazan and Hoffman 2001). For 3 or more authors use the first author’s surname and “et al.” like this example: (Ito et al. 1999). Finally, to cite more than one reference: list materials chronologically as follows: (Singh 2011, Davidson 2015, Harding 2018).

Here are some basic formatting points for the bibliography:
• Only reference published and formally accepted (in press) articles.
• List references alphabetically by first author surname. List multiple references from the same author chronologically.
• Add an alphabetic designator to the year in the in-text and end reference when there are references from the same author in the same year, for example: (Johnson 2023a, 2023b)
• Author names are given surname first, followed by initials—with no punctuation except for commas between authors and a period at the end.
• Include all author names unless there are more than 3. If a reference has 4 or more authors, give only the first 3 names followed by “et al.” and the publication year.
• Abbreviate journal titles according to the List of Title Word Abbreviations: Access to the LTWA | ISSN(see examples)
o Journal of Medical Entomology: J. Med. Entomol.
o Journal of Economic Entomology: J. Econ. Entomol.
o Annals of the Entomological Society of America: Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am.

• Do not abbreviate non-English titled journals.
• Systematics-related articles may specify that all serial titles be spelled out for final publication.
• When available, include the stable doi URL at the end of the reference or the doi.
Sample reference styles

Journal Article
Author surname(s) and initial(s) et al. Publication year. Article title. Abbreviated Journal Title. Volume number (issue number):start page-end page. [stable doi URL] or DOI:doi
Schmidt LS, Schmidt JO, Rao H et al. 1995. Feeding preference and survival of young worker honey bees (hymenoptera: Apidae) fed rape, sesame, and sunflower pollen. J. Econ. Entomol. 88(6):1591-1595.
Author surname(s) and initial(s) et al. Publication year. Editor(s). Book title, edition. Place Published: Publisher. Pages.
Gravena S, Sterling W, Dean A. 1985. Abstracts, references, and key words of publications relating to the cotton worm Alabama argillacea (Huebner), (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). College Park, MD: Entomological Society of America. 136 p.

Section/Chapter in Book
Author surname(s) and initial(s) et al. Publication year. Title of Chapter in an Edited Book. In: editor(s). Book Title. Edition. Place Published: Publisher. Pages.

Corporations or Organizations as authors
Organization. Publication year. Title. Abbreviated journal title. Available from: URL
White House. 2015a. National strategy to promote the health of honey bees and other pollinators. Pollinator Health Task Force. Available from Health Strategy 2015.pdf
White House. 2015b. Pollinator research action plan. Report of the Pollinator Health Task Force. Available from Research Action Plan 2015.pdf
Inventor(s), Assignee, Assignee name. Year. Title. Country Patent Number.
Pound M, Miller A, LeMeilleur A. 1994. Device and method for use as an aid in control of ticks and other ectoparasites on wildlife. U.S. Patent #5,367,983.

Conference Paper
Author surname(s) and initial(s) et al. Publication year. Title. Paper Presented at: Conference Name. Publisher; Conference Location.
Conference Proceedings
Editor(s). Publication year. Title. Conference name; Date year of Conference; Conference Location. Place Published: Publisher.

Author surname(s) and initial(s) et al. Publication year. Title [Thesis type]. Place Published: University. URL if available.
Barrufaldi APF. 2015. Temperatures of constant and floating influence on the biological characteristics of Euschistus heros (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in successive generations [Master’s dissertation]. Botucatu (Brazil): Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho.

Specific Examples per instructions:

In-text citation:
(Campbell and Pedersen, 2007)
(Mares, 2001)

Campbell JL, Pedersen OK. 2007. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comp. Polit. Stud. 40(3): 307–332.

Mares I. 2001. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In Hall PA, Soskice D, editors. Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 184–213.
  • We have one independent parent style called entomological-society-of-america.csl.
    The styles for the following journals are just dependent styles that LINK to the above .csl style:
    American Entomologist,
    Annals of the Entomological Society of America,
    Environmental Entomology,
    Journal of Economic Entomology,
    Journal of Medical Entomology

    There is a few missing, but these can easily be added. Even somebody not very technical can do so.

    If there is errors with the Entomological Society of America parent style, let us know specifically what needs changing (ideally in a current vs required list) and we can look at it. Please include a link to your guidelines and an OA paper.
  • @damnation -- this is a completely new style, almost identical to we should be able to use that with minimal changes (and add the additional styles as dependents)
  • Thank you both for your help. Could you please tell me the next steps to update the style? Is this something I should try to do on my end?
  • @damnation: I'll take this one
  • @Jmcewan1984 -- do you have this change documented somewhere? It looks like the citation styles online are still the old ones, which tends to cause a bunch of confusion and complaints from users. Also, what's the format for citing specific page numbers in text and is there any additional formatting like italics, bold, hanging indents, etc. to the above?
  • Hi, @adamsmith, I am sorry for the delayed reply. I wasn't alerted and I only logged in to check on the status. We haven't updated the style yet because I had hoped to put the Reference Manager style name in the instructions to make it easier for authors.

    Page numbers in text would be the same as Council of Science Editors style. From what I can find in the style book, this would look like "pages 125 to 150". The word "to" is used in the text instead of a dash.

    There is no additional formatting like bold, italics, etc.
  • If it is preferred, I can have the instructions for our 9 Journals updated first, and add the style name later.
  • @Jmcewan1984 Are you going to update the ESA page to reflect this change? AS of today, this link: still has the old style.
  • Hi @ninafogel, we have just unpublished this page for clarity and I am going to push out new instructions for authors for all the Journals this week. Thank you for letting me know about this page. It is an old page that isn't linked to our instructions.
  • @Jmcewan1984 -- I'm trying to get this up, but CSE doesn't care much about its name-year style, so the details are sparse and, e.g., they don't appear to prescribe a format for in-text citation. I'm seeing journals that use CSE name-year tod
    (Smith 1776, 23), (Smith 1776, p. 23), and (Smith 1776: 23) -- I'm happy to do any of these (we use the latter option in our version of the CSE style), but you'd have to let us know. While we can do "pages 125 to 150" I'm not seeing that anywhere and it would be very unusual.
  • Hi, Adam,

    It seems like CSE is saying that you would create an end reference that cites a page range or item in a journal article ( I don't know how practical this is... if an author wants to include a page range or single page in the intext citation, I think the last version (Smith 1776: 23) makes the most sense.

    Also, I am very sorry, but I made a mistake in the location for a published book. The state should be in parentheses. See College Park (MD) below:

    Gravena S, Sterling W, Dean A. 1985. Abstracts, references, and key words of publications relating to the cotton worm Alabama argillacea (Huebner), (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). College Park (MD): Entomological Society of America. 136 p.

    Thank you,

  • @Jmcewan1984 -- this is now updated. Please do let us know when and where you post the updated guide for authors.

    Two notes:

    1. we always list all journals, not just a single style -- the journals you list above are all dependent styles now, i.e. link to a single ESA style. This makes it easier for authors to know where to publish without us duplicating any code.

    2. As for your last note -- we don't handle locations at that level of detail: the style prints a single publisher place with whatever authors have in the respective metadata in Zotero (et al), so from a CSL perspective there's no way to distinguish between College Parks, MD and College Parks (MD)
  • Wonderful! Many thanks for your work on this! I will let you know when the instructions go live.

  • edited November 17, 2023

    The instructions for authors are live:
    Journal Name
    (Common Acronym/OUP) OUP Instructions for Authors
    American Entomologist

    Environmental Entomology

    Journal of Integrated Pest Management (JIPM/JIPMAN)

    Journal of Medical Entomology (JME/JMENTO)

    Annals of Entomological Society of America (AESA/AESAME)

    Insect Systematics and Diversity

    Journal of Economic Entomology (JEE/JEENTO)

    Journal of Insect Science

    Many thanks for your help! It is so important that our authors have the correct style, and we appreciate the work you do!

  • Hello - our style is currently forcing numbered citations. Could you please change the style to list references alphabetically by first author surname, and to use the author surname and year in-text?
  • Which style? The ESA style has been author-date since November
  • I haven't checked each one, but Journal of Economic Entomology is forcing numbered citations. I will check them all now and get back to you asap.
  • Oh, it's possible they're not linked correctly. The ESA style is doing what it's supposed to.
  • Yes - ESA Style is correct, but none of the others.
  • Is there a way for me to link the other styles to avoid confusion?
  • Apologies -- the other styles got messes up when the ESA style was updated last year. They're now all fixed, pointing to the same ESA style
  • Hello - some authors have reported that our style is adding a comma after et al in the in-text citation. Can that be fixed?

    example: (Pawelek et al., 2009; Block et al., 2012)

    Should be: (Pawelek et al. 2009; Block et al. 2012)

    Thank you,
  • We can't have different formatting for et al. and no et al: either there's a comma before the year or not -- above you have (Mares, 2001) -- is that correct or should that be (Mares 2001)?
  • That is my mistake. It should be (Mares 2001)
  • Hello - we have made the following style updates:
    1. For journal references, issue number is optional
    2. For book references, place published and pages are no longer included.
    3. For theses/dissertations, place published is no longer included.
  • edited 25 days ago

    I am going to submit an article to Journal of Medical Entomology, which uses ESA cite style.

    The provided csl file on both JME and ESA websites are not in correct format. For example, it adds a comma after author name, also in website citations the access date is not added.

    Is there a correct csl file I can get? Also, are the editor's of these journals aware of this? Because it is clearly misleading..

  • Please post the links to the guidelines and an open-access journal article. That way we can help faster. Tagging individuals is not neccesary.
  • edited 25 days ago

    Thank you for the clarification,

    Guidelines for Journal of Medical Entomology:

    An open access article link published recently:
  • These styles are maintained by a very small team of dedicated (ex-)academic volunteers.
    If there is an error, somebody needs to update it and we only find out if somebody tells us, be it an author or a journal themselves. Most journals don't seem to care all that much though.

    I have provided a fix for the style here:

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