In text citations not in numerical order

I have a document with about 100 citations that seem to be numbered in the order I inserted them instead of in order from the beginning to the end of the document (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4...). The bibliography is correctly in numerical order. I have tried refreshing the document. I've tried changing the style to one that uses authors last name and the year before changing back to Nature style, but my references are still not in order from beginning to end. I'm using Nature style with the Word plugin and Zotero version 6.0.27. I've tried a new document and it works fine, but I have a lot of text and references in this document. I'd prefer not to start over.
  • What happens if you move your cursor into one of the citations that's not in order and click "Add/Edit Citation"?
  • Nothing changed. I tried it both on the first citation (5) and a later citation (1-4), but neither changed anything.
  • Are any of these in tables or captions?
    Also, I'm still curious what exactly *happened* -- did the edit citation dialog come up as expected?
  • None are in tables or captions.
    The edit box came up. First I just hit enter without editing the citation, but nothing changed. Then I tried again deleting the 1-4 citation that was there and putting in a different citation. That worked. Then I put the manuscripts for 1-4 back in, and they were still numbered 1-4 even though 5-14 are cited earlier in the document.
  • I don't recall this ever coming up before. Last thing I'd try would be to copy and paste the whole thing into a new doc -- you could try doing this both as a whole and if that doesn't change anything, see if smaller chunks make a difference. (That'd be step 5 here: -- most of the rest either doesn't apply or you've already done, I'm not sure step 11 really applies in this case.

    Beyond that, I think @adomasven would probably need to look at this
  • Restarting my computer fixed it. Thanks for your suggestions adamsmith.
  • edited February 23, 2024
    I am also having this issue. Restarting my computer did not resolve it for me. I am working on a Macbook Pro in Word using the Zotero plug-in and AMA style. My citations refresh just fine, and the bibligraphy at the end is in order, but my in-text citations are all over the place:

    ·   Community Identity4,5,6, 16,17,18,9
    ·   Collective Action4,5,19,10,20
    ·   Social Ties and Support3,4,21,6,19,17,7,18,9,11,12,13,14,22

    I watched it update the in-text citations, but it does not reorder them so they are in numerical order.
  • That's the standard AMA style? How does that look in a fresh document for testing?
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