Quick insertion of recently added citations or entries to the Zotero library


I often add the same citation multiple time throughout a document. It would be great if the Word plugin (simple dialog for adding/editing citations) offered some shortcut (for example "down arrow") to list citations that were recently added to the document without the need to start typing anything.

Similarly .. I often search for a paper on, for example, PubMed add it to the Zotero library through a browser plugin. I would like to right away insert a citation to that paper into a text in Word. It would again be great if the Word plugin offered some option to quickly list sources according to the time when they were added to the Zotero library .. say another shortcut upon starting the simple, one line window "add/edit citation plugin" (say "up arrow").

This would speed up insertion of citations ...

  • edited September 30, 2023
    We’re going to try to improve things like this in a future update to the citation dialog, but note that you can type “ibid” to cite the last-cited item. As you probably know, Zotero will also show a Cited section at the top of the search results, though you do need to type something that matches first. I agree that it would make sense to be able to just press down-arrow to show that section. We’ll look into implementing that.

    For recently added items, as a temporary solution you can open the classic citation dialog from the Z icon and sort by Date Added descending.
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