OO plugin does not work


I really love zotero but the OO plugin drives me crazy... At home everything works just fine. At work I always get this annoying error message as soon as I hit any of zotero's buttons within OO:

"An error occurred communicating with zotero"

At work we have access to the internet by a proxy server. Within firefox I use FoxyProxy to change proxy settings. I tried all hints within the troubleshooting section but no one solved my problem. Especially I tried to disable the proxy via Internet Explorer's connection menu. But still the same error... :-(

Unfortunately now I don't know anything else I could try. Help would be appreciated...

Thanks a lot!


Windows XP SP2
Open Office 3.1.1, Plugin 1.0b4
Firefox 3.5.7
Zotero 1.0.10
  • The 1.0 plugins are no longer supported, but you can upgrade to 2.0. The 2.0 plugins use a different mechanism to connect to Zotero.
  • Thanks for your answer! Unfortunately this does not work either. The zotero toolbar appears within OOo, but as soon as I click on it it says "Zotero OpenOffice Integration could not communicate with OpenOffice.org because the Java UNO runtime directory specified in the Zotero OpenOffice Integration preferences does not contain a "ridl.jar" file.". Java is properly installed on this computer.

    I'm a little bit disappointed because zotero perfectly fits my needs. But without a working word processor integration it's totally useless for me... :-( Since I work on different computers I need a solution that works smooth from a USB stick installation of OOo and FF...

    Thanks a lot!

  • Hi - this has so far only come up on Linux systems, but the procedure to fix it should be the same on windows:
    if that doesn't help, search the forum for ridl.jar there are a number of threads dealing with this.
  • Hm, I can not find ridl.jar on my computer even though java is properly installed and working?!? Is ridl.jar part of the JRE or OOo? How do I install it?


  • OK, it seems to work now. If someone wants to install Zotero and the OOo Plugin one has to enter the appropriate paths manually. In my case it is:


    After that you can successfully install the OOo Plugin. At least at home it works now on Mac OS X and Win XP. On monday I'll try at work...

    Thanks for your help!

  • Unfortunately it does not work in my office... :-( Firefox says (in German):

    "Firefox konnte die zur Kommunikation mit Ihrer Textverarbeitung notwendige Komponente nicht laden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die korrekte Firefox-Erweiterung installiert haben, und versuchen Sie es dann erneut.".

    In English: "Firefox was not able to load the component to communicate with word processor" or similar.

    Now I'm stuck again...
  • well the troubleshooting steps should be the same as outlined in either the thread fbennett links to or the troubleshooting section.
    Let us know what of that you have tried.
  • Hm, ok, I think I found the problem. Java _is_ installed on my office machine but in "Windows control panel -> Java Control Panel -> Advanced -> Default Java for browsers" Mozilla is _not_ checked. I can enable it but next time I open the Java Control Panel it's unchecked again. I think that this is the reason why it's not working. Is there a way to solve that issue? I do not have (and don't want) admin privileges on this machine...


  • Now it looks more like a Java problem and not a Zotero issue. However I'd appreciate if anyone knew a solution for that problem.

    Thanks again!

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