Does database change in case of annotating Webpage snapshots in Zotero7?

Hello hope you are all well
One of the many great additions in zotero 7 is ability to directly open and annotate snapshots of webpages without the need to save them as pdfs.
Currently, as zotero 7 is still in beta stage, I am using a portable version of Zotero 7 alongside Zotero6.

I Know that:
"If you do upgrade [to the latest Zotero 7 beta version], be aware that once you create underline or text annotations, you won't be able to switch back to Zotero 6 with the same database (though you can delete your database and pull data down from your online library). Creating underline or text annotations won't affect other synced devices with Zotero 6 or earlier Zotero 7 builds — you just might get a warning that some data couldn't be downloaded."

But does this also apply in case of adding highlights, comments and annotations to Snapshot webpages? (Would I lose the ability to access the database with Zotero 6 on the same computer)?

Thanks again for all your great efforts
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