Amend page numbers "to" not "-"
Hello, I am trying to amend our style to say 'pages 10 to 20' instead of 'pages 10-20'. I can only find a way to amend prefix and suffix, not the dash in between. Can any one please advise? Here is the style link:
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Your code is not public, but you'd redefine the term like so:
<locale xml:lang="en">
<term name="page-range-delimiter">to</term>
I am predicting that I may get stuck on the change so will try to share it if so...
You can just copy that "term" line from above in your locale section since you already have one.
I have added in that line. It doesn't have spaces either side of the numbers. When I add spaces either side of "to" as below:
it makes 'to' appear multiple times in the bibliography e.g. "1 to to to 41". I have now removed the spaces so currently it appears "1to41", but is there a way I can add spaces? i.e. "1 to 41":
<term name="page-range-delimiter"> to </term>
the#160 is a non-breaking space. For some reason Zotero freaks out if you put regular spaces into a page range delimiter.