iOS Smart Punctuation

Beginning with iOS 11, the default quotation marks were changed from straight quotes, /'/ and /"/, to curly quotes, /‘’/ and /“”/ as part of a function called Smart Punctuation. I use Zotero across all four platforms, Windows, Android, Mac, and iOS. Because Windows, Android, and Mac still default to straight quotes, searching for items with quotes and apostrophes on iOS is more difficult. I am managing a collection for someone else who primarily uses his iPhone for searching his collection. It's possible to turn off Smart Punctuation completely, but because this is a system-wide change, the preferable option would be for Zotero to be style-blind for searches, similar to all searches being case-insensitive. I can imagine various scenarios where this would be preferable. Best-case scenario, this could even be a toggleable feature.
  • As a side note, you can access straight quotes on iOS by long-pressing the quote key and waiting for the popup
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