Cannot add anything from google scholar

I have tried reinstalling the plug in for scholar, but i still get this message below. Its been 2 days now, and i cant work without this tool!!!! Please help... I am using Brave, but also get the issue on Chrome.

An error occurred while saving this item. Google Scholar may limit the number of items you can save at once. See Site Access Limits for more information.
  • Doesnt happen with Edge, which i rarely use... so am using that for now begrudgingly! Also doesn't happen when go on to the journal paper, but often it doesn't capture the right info, so i prefer scholar. I did have to add a ton of refs a few days ago- 30 or so... searching each one independently, as am working on a paper someone else wrote. BUt i would have thought it would let me carry on by now... i look for references daily and wouldn't have gone to zotero had i known i would be capped!
  • I'm not sure what you mean by "the plug in for scholar". Do you mean the Zotero Connector for your browser?

    We're not in control of when Google blocks you, but Zotero works with countless sites on the internet — you're just trying to save from the one that blocks most aggressively. If Google Scholar is blocking you, you should just click through to the publisher's site and save from there.

    We have, however, just pushed some changes that should allow saving more items at a time from Google Scholar before they start blocking (in part by saving more slowly). Your Zotero Connector should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking Update Translators in the Advanced pane of the Zotero Connector preferences. Ultimately, though, they're still likely to block you if you try to save many items at once, so relying solely on Google Scholar just isn't a good way to work.

    You might be able to restore access more quickly in your preferred browser by clearing Google cookies and logging in to Google again.
    Also doesn't happen when go on to the journal paper, but often it doesn't capture the right info, so i prefer scholar.
    This is backwards, by the way — you'll usually get better metadata from the publisher's site. If you're not getting the data you expect from somewhere, you should report that in a separate thread.
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