Zotero looks for imaginary spaces around parentheses, etc. in pdf files

Hi, is the following a known issue?
I attach pdfs of patents to Zotero. These are readable text, not graphic files e.g. .png or .jpeg. While searching them in Zotero, it looks for "hidden" empty spaces around parentheses, for example (, ), [, and ] . It also seeks imaginary spaces around decimal points and periods.
But this phenomenon doesn't occur while:
1. Searching the same pdf using the "Preview" app.
2. Searching a pdf file in Zotero which I've created from a text processing app (in this case, via copy-and-paste from GooglePatents).

Thanks for your thoughts and advice.
  • Could you send an example PDF file to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread?
  • The OCRed text layer (which is normally not visible) actually has a visible space before those dots. So this is an OCRing problem, although we'll try to investigate why it differs from other viewers.
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