Accession numbers showing when searching Zotero
Recently when I search Zotero for anything it will show me related articles and then for some has an open note with the Accession number etc. Is there a way to stop this as it is making searching for articles a bit more laborious? Thanks
This is an example 'Accession Number: 37384432. Language: English. Date Revised: 20230629. Date Created: 20230629. Update Code: 20230630. Publication Type: Journal Article. Journal ID: 9710936. Publication Model: Print-Electronic. Cited Medium: Internet. NLM ISO Abbr: Health Promot J Austr. Linked References: Australian Institute of Health Welfare. Maternal deaths in Australia. Canberra: AIHW; 2020.; Arifin SRM, Cheyne H, Maxwell M. Review of the prevalence of postnatal depression across cultures. AIMS Public Health. 2018;5(3):260-95.; Pritchett RV, Daley AJ, Jolly K. Does aerobic exercise reduce postpartum depressive symptoms? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Gen Pract. 2017;67(663):e684-e91.; Opie RS, Uldrich AC, Ball K. Maternal postpartum diet and postpartum depression: a systematic review. Matern Child Health J. 2020;24(8):966-78.; Bhati S, Richards K. A systematic review of the relationship between postpartum sleep disturbance and postpartum depression. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2015;44(3):350-7.; van der Waerden J, Nakamura A, Pryor L, Charles MA, el-Khoury F, Dargent-Molina P. Domain-specific physical activity....'