Missing tags after switching computers
Hello! I got a new MacBook, and when I transferred everything onto it from a backup of my old MacBook, I thought everything in Zotero transferred over. Since the move, I created a new collection and put previously highlighted/tagged papers in this new collection. In the tag selector, I can still see all my tags, and when I click on them, the relevant papers come up. However, I'd tagged highlighted passages within these papers, but now I can't see any of those tags. I'm very confused as to how the selector is showing bringing up papers that once had tags, but now I can't actually see where any of the tags are within the paper. Any thoughts on what went wrong and how to get my tags back? Thank you!
If you transferred your data directory, you'd have exactly the same library.
If you think something is wrong, we'd want the zotero.org URL after clicking on the parent item in the web library as well as a tag you can't find.