APA 7th edition and Canadian statutes

Hello folks,

In my capstone project, I need to cite Canadian and provincial statutes and my program uses APA 7th edition. The law librarian at my university said that unfortunately, the template for statutes in Zotero doesn't mesh with how the McGill Guide (the Canadian equivalent of Bluebook) says that legal statues should be cited.

I know that I could easily just move the date in the Date field to the Extra field. When I do that, this:

Accessible British Columbia Act, SBC 2021, c 19 (2021). https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/a-0.6/index.html

becomes this:

Accessible British Columbia Act, SBC 2021, c 19. Retrieved September 14, 2023, from https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/a-0.6/index.html

This is probably also perfectly acceptable (I'm going to check with the law librarian to be sure), but is there a better place I can move the Date that will eliminate the "Retrieved" section?

Thanks in advance!
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