Citation Keys for IEEE items

IEEE assigns unique "article numbers" for each article. These are part of the URL, for example "" or "" the article number is 8433652, and the parameter is "arnumber".

I'd like to get Zotero to use the this article number as the citation key. I do have BetterBibtex installed, but I am not sure whether this is to be configured within Zotero or BetterBibtex.
  • I don't see the number in any of the Zotero item fields after import, except as part of the DOI. You could try something like DOI.replace(/10[.]1109[/][^.][.]/, '') but I have no idea how well that works broadly. Ideally, you want that number either in a Zotero item field, or as a labeled line in the extra field.
  • edited September 15, 2023
    Turns out the Article number is totally different from the DOI fields - seems to be some internal numbering they do. Also, many articles in Xplore don't have a DOI but do have an article number.

    Zotero Import definitely knows the URL it is fetching from - can that be parsed?
  • edited September 15, 2023
    Technically possible, yes, but requires a change to their translator. Once it's in a Zotero item field, it's usually simple to use it in the citation key.
  • Turns out the Article number is totally different from the DOI fields
    That's not what I'm seeing, though -- all the IEEE articles I looked at have the article number as the last component of the DOI, following a period. The regex suggested by emilianoeheyns above should parse that correctly.
  • >> That's not what I'm seeing, though -- all the IEEE articles I looked at have the article number as the last component of the DOI, following a period.

    Here's an example:
    The Document is here:

    DOI = 10.1109/OJPEL.2022.3208693

    Am I missing something here?
    The DOI is totally different from the Article number.
  • Also, I noticed something interesting.
    The Zotero browser plugin/addon sometimes recognise an IEEE paper as "ItemType = Conference Paper" and sometimes as "Item Type = Webpage".
    In the first case, the URL is not stored, whereas in the second case the URL is stored.
    Perhaps if the import rules could be modified to store the URL also when item type is a conference paper, that would be easy to parse with a RegExp
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