LibreOffice Add-in Not Installing via Settings Dialog

In Zotero 7.0.0-beta.39+ecba25be0 (64-bit; Windows 10), the LibreOffice add-in won't install via the Zotero settings dialog.

When I attempt to install the add-in I instead get presented with a notification that the plugin requires a JDK.

I've installed two different JDKs (Oracle 20.0.2, Azul 17.0.8). I've tried making each one active in LibreOffice in turn, closing both LibreOffice and Zotero, restarting Zotero, and retrying the installation, but the same notice appears each time. I've also tried the same process with only one or the other JDK installed with the same results.

If I manually install the add-in by copying its file to the proper folder, however, it does work in LibreOffice But that seems to be the only add-in installation method that works for me. So, I thought I'd mention the issue here in case it can be replicated in similar cases elsewhere.
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