PDF-Reader, copy&paste to external text editor

Zotero 6.latest on Linux

If to open some publication (a publication captured to Zotero library) in Zotero PDF reader. Then if to select some text in document open and to do Copy (text selection context menu), then if to try to paste the text from clipboard to external text editor the pasting simply doesn't work.

Copy&Paste works however fine from library entry properties pane to same external text editor.

Is this a known and designed-in behavior?

Copy&paste from document open in Zotero PDF-editor to some external application is made for further processing of selected text, e.g. start a discussion via text channel.
  • Looks like this one: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/97023/bug-zotero-6-right-click-copy-in-a-pdf-does-not-work

    It has been reported that simply restarting Zotero solved the issue. Did you try this? Also, do you have any plugin installed in Zotero? What happens when you disable them all, if applicable?

    On Ubuntu, for example, you can check what is stored in your clipboard via xclipboard. What do you see? (command might differ, depending on your distro.)
  • Thanks for hints.
    Yet before had received notification about your answer the operating system had to be shut down due to independent reason. Following the subsequent start Zotero doesn't show the problem any more. Unclear how is the sustainability of this effect.
    Yes, several add-ons are installed. Should problem one day occur again will Zotero more than sure run will plug-ins installed and enabled as those are in steady use. Also I have no idea how to provoke problem occurrence on demand. Means it will be hard to test with plug-ins disabled. As of this minute copy&paste from pdf document open in Zotero pdf reader to some external text editor works fine.
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