[Z7 Beta] Line breaks in annotation

edited September 11, 2023
Hi all,
while Z6 is quite good at handling line breaks in annotations, I've noticed that Z7 is noticeably worse at that (if you're already aware of the problem I apologize for the extra report). There are often case where it pulls together two individual words in a linebreak (but it does not happen always). I've also noticed that there are cases in which it includes the hyphen in annotations where Zotero 6 accurately removed them.

Example: https://i.imgur.com/VDzOTTS.png (red: highlighted in Zotero 6, yellow: highlighted in the Zotero 7 Beta)

Have a good week!
  • It should be fixed in the next update. Let us know, if not.
  • Thank you, I will do so!
  • edited September 27, 2023
    In 7.0.0-beta.42+2db19ad4c the problem does not appear to be fully fixed. While I've not noticed Zotero pulling together words, the beta is still not as good at removing hyphens as version 6 was.

    In this screenshot (https://i.imgur.com/bH8RI88.png), the yellow annotation was done in the most recent beta, the red annotation of the same text was created with Z6. PDF-Source: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-205680
  • Just an update: On 7.0.0-beta.54+6b996d4f9 I still encounter the problem that Zotero's removal of hyphens is somewhat hit & miss and still performs noticeably worse than Z6.
  • In 7.0.0-beta.77 the hyphen removal is still performing noticeably worse than in Z6 (sorry for still going on about this, but it's just such a useful feature when it works correctly).
  • @samvimes Thanks for letting us know. Could you provide more examples where it doesn't work well?
  • An example from the book I'm currently reading would be this annotation:


    Extracted Text:

    „Nach diesem Verständnis zielt Kritik nicht nur auf den Nachweis, sondern auch auf die Erzeugung »reflexiver Inakzeptabilität«, also darauf, im Selbstverständnis der Adressaten einen praktischen Widerspruch her(aus)zustellen, der einen Prozess der Selbstreflexion initi- iert, der wiederum die Voraussetzung für eine transformative Praxis ist.”

    I've not managed to discover a pattern for why it sometimes works (i.e. with „Inakzeptabilität“) and sometimes doesn't (i.e. with "initi -iert").
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