Zotero won't refresh/update on word


Hi there, my zotero won't refresh/update on word without freezing the document, using a Mac. I've tried 1. updating zotero and word 2. restarting computer 3. redownloading plug-in for word. Any suggestions?

[JavaScript Error: "The connection was refused when attempting to contact wss://stream.zotero.org/." {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/streamer.js" line: 155}]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

version => 6.0.26, platform => MacIntel, oscpu => Intel Mac OS X 10.16, locale => en-GB, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 6.0.26, extensions => Zotero LibreOffice Integration (6.0.4.SA.6.0.26, extension), Zotero Word for Mac Integration (6.0.6.SA.6.0.26, extension)
  • How large is the document? Does it work in a new, empty document? (the errors have nothing to do with Word integration).
  • It is a veryyyy large doc! c. 300 pages. But I copy and pasted a segment (30 pages) to a new doc and it still won't refresh. The bibliographic entries will update, individually, if I click add/edit citation and reenter the reference.
    Thank you!!
  • You're likely just not waiting long enough. Word for Mac integration is currently just very slow in a large document. It could take hours in a document of that size.
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