Any way to search for folder name?
I have years of projects organized in folders, sometimes with subfolders or nested in parent folders, which sometimes makes it difficult to quickly find the folder I'm looking for on the left-hand menu. I was wondering if there is any way to search through the folder names.
I came across this feature request from 2018 ( Has this been implemented in any way, or are there plans to implement it?
I came across this feature request from 2018 ( Has this been implemented in any way, or are there plans to implement it?
This feature has been requested a few times as far as I've seen (2017:, 2018:, 2020: and advice has been given that it's planned, but there's no ETA. And as far as I know it hasn't been implemented.
I presume it's wiser for us to presume that it's not going to happen. But if there's a way to support it happening / increase the likelihood of it happening please advise. I presume there's still no ETA, but if possible it would be good to know if it's next on the list, or what other features are ahead of it in the queue.
Perhaps if everyone who wants this feature adds a comment to this post that would help by demonstrating how much demand there is for it, compared to the other requested features?
Happy to be instructed on the correct approach to advocating for features if this isn't it. And to be clear, my intention is to request humbly, not demand.
Thanks for considering my comment. :)
The terms by which I group a set of items isn't always those that are used in their content or metadata. So I add them to a collection / sub-collection in order to group them together in a way that makes sense for me. My understanding is that's the intended use of collections and sub-collections. But I can't always remember the order in which I put the terms in the collection / sub-collection's name, so the limited existing facility isn't a reliable solution to me finding an existing collection / sub-collection I've started on something, or confirming if I have started one.
And even if I can remember the order of the terms in the name, I can't always remember the collection that I put a sub-collection in, so if I have to use the limited existing facility I would have to expand each collection and check each one until I found it, and if I wanted to check if that was the only place I had created such a sub-collection I'd have to check all of them.
Given the previous communications that the feature is planned, I presume there's acceptance of the validity of the use-case / desire for the feature. What isn't clear to me is the priority placed on building it compared to the other planned additions / improvements.
I don't think mixing collection names with general search is a good idea -- the only think that'd make logical sense would be to list all items in a collection that matches the search and that'd not be terribly useful.
I'm wondering if anyone knows a solution, please, to my new folder-search-related issue?...
Quite often a folder I search/filter for is the parent folder for X amount of nested folders, which I want to view the contents of. The issue I'm having is that none of the nested folders show up within the filtered view. I have to press the cross in the search-filter box to see what nested folders are inside the found-folder! Fortunately Zotero keeps the selected parent folder highlighted. But I just wondered if there's an easy way to keep the parent folder 'filtered' whilst viewing its nested folders?
It would be especially useful when I've filtered to 2 or 3 similarly named parent folders, but I'm not sure which of them contains the nested-folders I'm after.