error 3/13/23 1:32:00 PMI

edited September 6, 2023

The in-text citation sometimes becomes 3/13/23 1:32:00 PMI
How can I solve it?
  • Could you submit a Report ID from Zotero?
  • Report: 1022703410

    I don't know how to replicate it.
    This happens sometimes in Word when in-text citations are displayed incorrectly.
    I only notice this later when scrolling through the document or after printing it.

    Thank you.
  • What's the full version of Word that you are using? How old/slow is the mac you are running?
  • Word version 16.76.1
    Mac is rather slow, purchased in 2018
  • Is this happening in a new document, or only in an existing one? Do you have any other plugins installed into Word that you could disable?
  • The existent document.
    It had happened before in other documents too.
    No other plugins in Word.
  • edited September 11, 2023
    It's hard to say what's causing this. If you can reproduce this semi-reliably and capture it in a Debug ID, it might help to troubleshoot it. It's not a general problem that many people are reporting, although we get an occasional question about this. In the past it usually occurred with slower Macs under heavy load.
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