Zotero in Texas is in danger?

edited September 2, 2023
Hi all,
I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but my public higher education institution is telling me that I can't have Zotero on my faculty computer come January 2024 because of a new law that was passed in Texas that is referred to as TXRAMP or TX-RAMP.

https://dir.texas.gov/information-security/texas-risk-and-authorization-management-program-tx-ramp#:~:text=Texas Government Code 2054.0593 mandates,requirements beginning January 1, 2022.

Are the programers and Zotero leaders aware of this and working to make this cloud based citation resource meet these new requirements? Texas is a big state. Plus, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have the MS extension and the app on my laptop. I know the online version of Zotero is comparable to the desktop one but it's just an adjustment I am hoping I don't have to make.
  • Zotero is almost certainly not going to be able to get TX-RAMP certification (not because it's insecure, but because these applications are very time consuming), but I'll note that the law has an exemption that would appear to be designed specifically for tools like Zotero, namely, it does not apply to: "Educational tools that do not create, process, or store confidential information". I'd appeal this at your institution. People don't generally (and shouldn't) use Zotero for confidential information.
  • Thank you Adam Smith. This is a relief. I will share this with the administrator who I am in correspondence with.
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