Adding PDF quotes to note eliminates essential spaces

In the Zotero PDF reader, you can highlight a portion of the text and then choose to "add to note": this copies and pastes the selection into the sidebar note for the PDF. This worked perfectly in Z6. However, I've noticed that in Z7, the function frequently eliminates spaces at line breaks, so that the last word of one line runs directly into the first word of the next line. It happens maybe 25-50% of the time, and means that every time I used the "add to note" function, I have to go back and edit the quote within the sidebar note. Would it be possible for this to be fixed? (Totally understand that this is the beta, and so such bugs are to be expected.)
  • Can you either link to a PDF for which that happens or (if that's not possible) send it to with a link to this thread?
  • Are those missing spaces appearing before the start of a paragraph? I'm asking, because I had this issue with one PDF recently.
  • The spaces appear at the end of lines, no matter where the line is relative to the start of the paragraph.

    I will send a couple of PDFs now to the support email. I haven't been very systematic about noting when it happens, but I think it's almost every PDF I've used. It does not happen for every quote, though, as I mentioned; the longer the quote, the more likely it is to happen.

    Example of a quote as it appears in the sidebar note, with two missing spaces (interestingly, it doesn't happen for every line break; here, there was also a line break between "the" and "point"):

    “Although both the clear and present danger andobscenity standards are rooted in market imagery of an open societysearching for truth, they both allow the banning of expression at the point where expression threatens established values.”
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