APA 7 Issues in Catalan

Hi community!

I am using Zotero for my PhD dissertation. I use APA 7 in Catalan.

I am having two issues:

- Page interval: Catalan APA7 guidelines state that when doing in-text citation and reference citation for multiple pages, "pp." should be used instead of "p." (e.g., "pp. 10-12" vs "p. 10-12"). However, it doesn't seem to work, it always shows "p.". I have tried this changing the language to English (US) and Spanish (España) and it seems to be working correctly. So this leads me to think that the issue is related to Catalan style. Do you have any recomendation or possible fix?

- When citing book chapters in the reference citation section, APA 7 Catalan guidelines state that when indicating the book to which a chapter belongs to, the "In" keyword should be "Dins" (or "A"). However, when selecting Catalan the keyword is not "Dins" or "A", but "En", which is Spanish (not Catalan).

Example of how it is in English:

McNutt, J. (2008). Social work practice: History and evolution. In T. Mizrahi & L. E. Davis (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Work (pp. 138–141). Oxford University Press.

Example of how it is in Spanish:

McNutt, J. (2008). Social work practice: History and evolution. En T. Mizrahi & L. E. Davis (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Work (pp. 138-141). Oxford University Press.

Example of how it should be in Catalan:

McNutt, J. (2008). Social work practice: History and evolution. Dins T. Mizrahi & L. E. Davis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work (pp. 138-141). Oxford University Press.

Not sure if this is something I can fix or if it would be better to fix for all the users.

Thanks in advance.
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