New csl style added - Virus Research
I've added a style to the repository ( for the journal Virus Research that I put together in the course of submitting an article. Documentation for the citation and reference format they use is very limited ( but I believe the style works correctly for the most part for journal articles, books, and book chapters.
The one issue I am aware of is that I was unable to get collapsed dates in citations to sort in ascending chronological order, but I believe the CSL code is correct - I have seen references to similar issues in the forums. For the time being I just add them in the correct order and turn off automatic sorting in the dialog box.
Please let me know if you find any errors or other inconsistencies.
The one issue I am aware of is that I was unable to get collapsed dates in citations to sort in ascending chronological order, but I believe the CSL code is correct - I have seen references to similar issues in the forums. For the time being I just add them in the correct order and turn off automatic sorting in the dialog box.
Please let me know if you find any errors or other inconsistencies.