Panels in Zotero 6 not showing up in right place

Hey Y'all. I just upgraded to Zotero 6.0.26 when I discovered that y'all had added a pdf reader that could export to Obsidian. So far things are looking ok, but there's one weird issue that's coming up: All the pictures of the Zotero pdf reader that I've seen so far should have the pdf in the middle, your list of annotations on the left, and the bibliographic info/tag search opening up on the right. But when I try opening the bibliography or the tag search, it opens up from the bottom rather than the right, obscuring part of my view of the PDF itself. This seems like a mistake - since none of the other pictures of Zotero's pdf viewer are showing this. Is there a way to fix this? I need those two things to open from the right and not from the bottom.
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