Taking a Library off Zotero server

I created a Group Library with all the attachments on the Zotero server so that all the attachments could be easily shared among group members. Our collaboration has now concluded and I can't pay for Zotero storage anymore. How do I get all the attachments off the Zotero server?

For my private zotero Libraries I hold the attachments in a Dropbox folder. Is there a way I can move all the attachments into that folder at once?
  • You would need to just delete the group from the group settings online. When you next sync, Zotero will ask you if you want to archive the group locally or remove it.
  • Can you explain how to do that? I cannot find a "delete" option under Settings->Group. I can only manage members, or create a new group.
  • You'd see "Owner Options" on the right of the Group Settings page (i.e. where you can also change the group name and description). They'd include delete group and transfer group. If those don't appear, you're not the group's owner (check under "member settings")
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