Error trying to add Zotero to Word ribbon

  • Hello,

    I recently purchased a new laptop and am getting an error when i try to add Zotero word ribbon. It says something about the Microsoft security.
    I have tried trouble shooting and cant get it to work. ive reverted back to my old laptop for now to complete report writing.
    Is anyone able to assist?

    kind regards,
  • (Please start new threads for new issues. I've moved this to a new thread.)

    What's the exact error you're getting?

    We also need a Report ID.
  • Hi,
    I tried again and maybe ive done something because the error doesnt appear anymore, but i cannot. get zotero to open automatically when i open word now.

    I have to find the program installer under C:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero\extensions\\install to get it to open every time i open a document. How do i get it to keep the extension?

    kind regards,
  • See Zotero Toolbar Doesn't Appear, and if you're still having trouble let us know exactly what you tried, in your own words, and what happened at each step.
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