Zotero 7: Distinguish tabs from My Library or from shared libraries

I would like to be able to identify quickly if a tab is from my library or a shared library.

But a problem appears when you open the "same" item from different libraries.
1) Import an item with a PDF file attachment to my library
2) Copy it to a shared group
3) Open both copies in 2 different tabs
At that step, both tabs will have exactly the same tab title, so there is no way to distinguish between them before opening them.

Some possible ways to improve:
A) Mark the shared libraries tabs in a different way, maybe a different tab title background colour.
B) Add a second line of information in the popup that comes up when hovering over the tab title, showing the library it belongs to as second line. Chrome as a similar tab popup showing 2 lines of text with different type of information and a preview of the page.
C) Add a tabs filtering option, to view the tabs only from a selected library. Maybe from right click on the tab titles or from a button on the right-hand side of the tab titles line.
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