Coord. vs. ed.


In Spanish bibliography there is an important difference between editing a book and coordinating a book (this implies a greater job), and there are two different abbreviations: ed. (or eds. in plural) and coord. (or coords. in plural).

Is there a way to add a field for the coordinator of a book?

I would like this:
Yáñez Baptista, D. A. (2023), «El cristianismo y la universidad: la teología en la Facultad de Cultura», en T. J. Marín Mena (coord.), ¿Un futuro sin Cristo? Voces de una generación, Madrid, PPC, pp. 309-329.

instead of this:
Yáñez Baptista, D. A. (2023), «El cristianismo y la universidad: la teología en la Facultad de Cultura», en T. J. Marín Mena (ed.), ¿Un futuro sin Cristo? Voces de una generación, Madrid, PPC, pp. 309-329.

I have actually figured out a workaround for the CSS style I have created: I have assigned the abbreviation coord. for the "series editor" and I set the coordinators of my books as "series editors". This works kinda fine, but has two problems:
1. There's no way to make it render "coords." instead of "coord." when they are more than one.
2. It only works with my own citation style, but not with others.

Thank you,
  • In CSL, you can define editorial-director . That was mainly added for French, but as I understand the (somewhat unclear to me) distinction between coord. and ed. in Spanish, it's roughly analogous.
    All name terms take plural forms in the locale, so you can get coords. including with your version of using series editors.
  • Thank you very much, adamsmith

    However, the abbreviation for editorial-director is still ed./eds., so I can't get coord./coords. Even with my workaround, I couldn't assign a real label coord./coords., but only a fake label using values (value: coord.) (without plural form). Is there a way of getting a real label coord./coords.?

  • PS. I see that setting the locale to french, the editorial-director label is Dir. In English, Spanish and other languages it's still ed./eds. How can I get to render it as coord./coords. in Spanish?
  • You can (re)define terms for the locale you are using in a citation style. See e.g. the APA style for examples.
  • Wonderful! I didn't know I could redefine terms for the locale. That solves my problem.

    Thank you very much!
  • Hi, icabello96

    I have the same issue, for I am also citing spanish books. Could you please elaborate on how you have solve this? is there any way for you to share the style you have created? Not sure if I can send you a private message

  • @alejandroheras You can send private messages from the Inbox link at the top of the page on this site or send them an email notification by putting @ in front of their username @icabello96

    If you take a look at the APA.csl style, you can see examples of how to change the localizations of terms in a style
  • @adamsmith should we edit the default translation of editorial-director for Spanish to be coordinator?
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