Storage and sync query - using Zotero to store attachments but deleting from computer?

I'm syncing Full Text Content from my MacbookAir to online Zotero Storage (6GB storage bought). However, I'm running out of storage room on my Macbook.
I see attachments are stored both on the Macbook and on Zotero.
I'd like to delete them from the Macbook but keep them on Zotero. Is this possible?

If not, is there a way to link my Macbook and Zotero sync to OneDrive where I could store the attachments but still "Free up Space" on the Macbook?
  • edited August 12, 2023
    (What you're talking about has nothing to do with the "Sync full-text content" setting. You're talking about file syncing.)

    An upcoming version of Zotero will make it possible to configure how many days to keep local copies of files that have been uploaded in order to save disk space. I'd recommend just waiting for that. If you really can't wait, and you're sure that all your files are online, you can just search for PDFs or other large files within the storage folder and delete them, and set Zotero to download files "as needed" in the Sync preferences.

    Don't touch the folders themselves (which contain other hidden files) — those are managed by Zotero.
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