importing nbib fails defauts to Mendeley despite selection of file radio button


Importing nbib fails and instead I get the import from Mendeley screen.


This has happened before when I quit Zotero and re-opened Zotero after an update.

  • Can you provide a Debug ID for Zotero startup through getting that screen, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option?
  • I will the next time there is both a Mac OS update and an update to the Zotero beta. I don't restart Zotero very frequently and this time and the last time the Mendeley error occurred both of those updates had occurred.
  • With the hundreds of thousands of Zotero users who are on a Mac, it seems as though this should have been reported by others before now. It has happened to me with each of the past 4 or maybe 5 Mac OS updates.

    See debug: D422176853
    Mac 13.5.1

    Again, each time I update my Mac OS and open Zotero (after I've also updated Zotero), the first time I try to import an nbib file by File / Import / Where do you want to import from / with a file selected radio button ; I receive a request for a Mendeley password. The times this has happened before the usual simple Username/Password entry box appeared. this time I received an error with red notices that instructed me to properly enter my user Mendeley username and password.

    This time, trying to capture all information relevant to the problem, I quit Zotero with the instruction to restart with logging enabled option selected. I restarted Zotero and my attempt to import the nbib file was successful.


    Is there a way to (with Zotero closed) ask Zotero to open with logging enabled?

    Is this related to my always quitting Zotero (and other programs) before restarting my Mac to install an OS update?

    If there is insufficient information in the current debug log, is there anything that I might do differently to help you track down this glitch?

  • edited August 31, 2023
    Merged back to your original thread.

    If you can't reliably reproduce it from startup, you can just provide a regular Debug ID for it happening.
  • edited August 31, 2023
    Oh, sorry, you did originally. OK, we can see if we can figure out what's going on here with what you've provided so far.

    It's extremely unlikely that this has anything to do with OS updates. Have you tried just restarting your computer and trying to reproduce it?
  • This occurs only after I have restarted my computer after a new Mac OS update AND upon the first opening of Zotero after an update to the beta. That said, this has happened at least each time I've had recent Mac OS updates -- at least 3 times and I think actually 4. It does not occur after simply shutting down and restarting the Mac even with Zotero updates. Quitting Zotero and restarting my Mac fixes the problem and I'm able to import the nbib-file normally. (As far as Zotero is concerned, is there a difference between restarting my OS and quitting/shutting-down and then opening the OS?)

    Is there a way to set Zotero debug logging on reopening Zotero that will survive restarting the computer after an OS update? Can I set debug logging and quit Zotero (not restart Zotero) then shut down my Mac, and have Zotero start with logging enabled the next time Zotero is opened on my Mac after the restart?

    This is now a regular Zotero occurrence with a Mac OS upgrade. If this isn't happening to anyone else it might be best if I/you treat it as a paper-cut related to my Macs and I just go through the steps of opening Zotero quitting Zotero restarting my computer and then reopening Zotero. I must do a similar series of steps with Keyboard Maestro with each OS upgrade for that program to recognize my shortcuts. (Keyboard Maestro is set to open each time my Mac is restarted but after an OS update and restart I must quit KM and reopen it using my system password for permissions for it to work properly.)

  • Is there a way to set Zotero debug logging on reopening Zotero
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