reference-global translator doesn't capture PDFs

The translator doesn't attach PDFs.
Example URL:

The PDFs are loaded in a somewhat annoying iframe, with a session ID appended to the URL of the PDF. Here's the PDF link for this example:

And here's the iframe code including the hard link to the PDF, with session ID appended (leaving out session ID produces 401 unauthorized, which makes sense):

<iframe src="/production/ling/2008/ling.2008.46.issue-1/ling.2008.004/ling.2008.004.pdf?sessionID=gmkqNaFHSmp5xdiPkmgzs"></iframe>

I hope this is scrapeable!
  • The translator
    There's no such thing. It's just the DOI translator. (Hover over the URL bar icon.)
  • Ah, sorry I didn't check that.

    I guess I'm requesting a translator then. Though I have no clue about how to build one, I hope the above information helps.
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