Help request: How to best retrieve PDF metadata for pdfs already in parents?

Hi, I am migrating my library from papers2 (finally!) and I end up with a number of articles where the parent metadata is incomplete because it was not complete in papers. Now in Zotero, I would like to update the parent with fresh metadata since the lookup is so good.

So, *I would like to retrieve pdf metadata for pdfs already in parents*. While I can understand that is not be the usual workflow, it is what I I need in this case. Is there any way for me to accomplish that? I'm OK with completely replacing the existing metadata.

The docs say: "If you're not happy with the metadata saved for the PDF, you can right-click on the new parent item and choose Undo Retrieve Metadata to leave the PDF as a standalone attachment for further manual processing." (

However there is no such menu item when right clicking on any parent or group of parents. Those docs must be old. Where has that option gone, and is there any way to get it back?

In the end, what I've come up with is an overly time-consuming workflow: drag the pdf out of each parent item one-by-one, until I have a group of 10 or so bare pdfs that I can select, right click on and choose to retrieve PDF metadata thus creating new parents en-masse.

Hoping I am missing something obvious and that you can help!


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