Zotfile suddently stopped "seeing" tablet files (Zotero 6)

Hello everyone,

I've been following the discussions here about how the current Zotfile will no longer work with Zotero 7. Alas, it has already stopped working:

I'm experiencing the issue that I can't rename attachment files anymore as mentioned here https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/106610/zotfile-suddenly-stopped-renaming-and-saving-as-pdf-file#latest (and I don't use the %b wildcard).

In addition, I'm unable to "Send to tablet." The option is available to click on but nothing happens.

Furthermore, I'm also unable to "get from tablet" all the files that I have there. The option is greyed out. I've installed the plugin which the Zotfile developer released for us to check and get files from the tablet before updating to Zotero 7. (https://github.com/jlegewie/zotfile/releases/tag/v5.1.3Beta) But this tells me that I have no files on the tablet.



PS: betterbibtex is also stuck on TexStudio support but I have no idea if that's related.
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