Possible to change group name on zotero.org?

I have a private group on zotero.org that I would like to rename. In the group settings screen, the name of the group is in a text box, but when I edit it and press "Save settings", the name of the group does not change.

Is there something that I'm missing, or is it not possible to change the name of a group? The group (private) is this one.
  • I'm having no trouble editing the name of a private group. Are you getting the green "Settings Saved" notification box at the top of the page when you submit it?
  • Seems to be a feature of this browser version. With Firefox 3.6b3 under Linux, I don't get the green box, it returns the original unedited screen. With Firefox 3.0, it works with no problem, green box and all.
  • 'Twas a transient problem with that beta version of the browser. Upgrading Firefox to 3.6rc2 fixed it. Sorry for the ruckus.
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