Zotero PDF viewer is blurry at high zoom levels [7.0.0-beta.25+8a7f3645b (64-bit) / Win11]

Hey everyone!

I often take screenshots of illustrations from textbooks. If I zoom in closely, my PDFs look blurry and the text isn't sharpened like in Adobe Acrobat. Here is a side by side comparison using the same PDF file. https://imgur.com/a/PrHUfaq

Is there an option I can tweak to change this?

Thanks in advance!

Zotero Version: 7.0.0-beta.25+8a7f3645b (64-bit)
Windows 11
  • Can you email the PDF to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread?
  • Unfortunately, this is a limitation of the Zotero PDF reader, which is based on PDF.js. If you zoom in too much, it has to reduce resolution.
  • Does it mean that the new PDF reader cannot display sharp vectorial contents at high zoom level, including text and images? This sounds like a serious drawback compared to external PDF viewers like Acrobat.
  • It's the same as in Firefox browser.
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