Referencing websites in the Nature reference style

I'm using the Nature referencing style. When I cite a website, the format that appears in the reference list is:

1. WEBSITE. at <>;

I'm not sure whether that's the official style used in Nature (couldn't find an arcicle citing a website...), but I would like to change it anyway, because it's a bit too minimalistic. Better would be:

1. WEBSITE. Available at: [Accessed January 18, 2010].

or something like that. How can I change this? I already tried the styles-faq on the website here and i looked at the code for the Nature reference style, but it was not apparent to me how I could change only the reference style for websites.

It would be great if anybody could help!

  • edited January 17, 2010
    change the access macro to the one below (this does only affect pages where the webpage is cited - but not necessarily just webpage items. If you really want to limit this to webpage items, you'll need to built in an <if type="webpage">:

    <macro name="access">
    <if variable="volume"/>
    <else-if variable="DOI">
    <text variable="DOI" prefix="doi:"/>
    <else-if variable="URL">
    <text term="at" prefix=" Available " suffix=":"/>
    <text variable="URL" prefix=" "/>
    <group prefix=" [" suffix="]">
    <text term="accessed" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
    <date variable="accessed">
    <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
    <date-part name="day" suffix=", "/>
    <date-part name="year"/>
  • It worked perfectly, thanks for the quick help!
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