Restoring Group Library Data I (accidentally) deleted


I accidentally deleted a group library. I did the whole procedure of renaming the zotero.sqlite.bak as zotero.sqlite procedure, and it looked great on my computer. Sweet relief! And then the computer synced and everything was lost again. Luckily I also have a zotero.sqlite.1.bak file that will work. HOWEVER, how do I assure that when I sync it with the online library, that it uses the data I have on my computer, rather than the data on the online library?

Thank you!
  • See Restoring From the Last Automatic Backup, and note specifically the step about Replace Online Library.
  • edited July 18, 2023
    @marjar: Oh, wait, do you mean that you actually deleted the group library itself on the Zotero website, not the library contents? It's not possible to restore that, so you'd have to copy the data to another library in the backup database (and do a normal sync, not Replace Online Library).
  • I deleted the library contents! I'll actually finish the article this time instead of rushing, and report how that goes. Thank you for the help!
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