Advanced search by creator surname with fuzzy initials/forename search

edited July 5, 2023
I'd like to find all articles in my library for a specific author (e.g. John P Smith). However, forenames/initials are entered in different ways for different articles and Zotero seems to want exact forename/initials match. So an Advanced Search for CREATOR IS John Smith won't find articles where the creator is entered as J Smith, John P. Smith, John P Smith, etc. It seems I have join searches for each specific variant which could lead to me missing some articles in the search.

Is there way to do a search where the surname match needs to be exact but the forenames/initials match can be fuzzy such that a search for John Smith would return results for John Smith, J Smith, J P Smith, JP Smith, J.P. Smith, John P Smith, John P. Smith, etc?

I have tried CREATOR CONTAINS search but that's not ideal because it doesn't do an exact surname match. For example a search for Smith would also return results for Smithson.

Also, is there a way to do a search for SURNAME IS Smith (i.e. exact match on surname whilst ignoring forenames/initials)?
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