Workflow with Zotero, eReader, ebooks, annotations?

Can anyone recommend a good workflow with Zotero, an eReader, ebook formats, and annotations? I propose one below. Do you see any issues with this? (E.g., maybe I should convert EPUB to PDF first, before doing annotations). If so, can you propose a tweak?

This is a big money and time investment, moving out of the Amazon ecosystem with Kindle. But I think it's worth it. I just want to make sure I'm getting this right.



- Zotero had an Android app (in addition to their current iOS app) and
- Zotero's reader supported EPUB reading and annotation (Zotero devs seem inclined toward this)

1. buy an Onyx Boox device
2. purchase EPUBs or PDFs, typically from Google Play
3. read and annotate them on my Onyx Boox device using Zotero's app
4. sync to cloud to have available on desktop or wherever else I use Zotero

But until the "If"'s become reality, I'll need a work-around. My plan:

3. Same, but use whatever read/annotate app works best on an Onyx Boox device
4. Export EPUB or PDF with annotations (if EPUB convert to PDF with Calibre), attach to item in Zotero desktop, import annotations into Zotero database.

  • I think that for PDFs your work-around might work reasonably well.

    ePubs might be a problem though, because often they do not contain proper page numbers and getting annotations into Zotero might be somewhat more difficult, because they are not stored inside the ePub file (there is a somewhat hacky work-around for the Kindle which might be adapted for other readers by someone with more skills:
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