[Z7 Bug?] Webdav File Not Found

edited June 27, 2023
Having consulted the guide https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/files_not_syncing, I report that despite having the referenced .zip and .prop in my server, Z7 still returns "File Not Found".

However, some files can be pulled from the server without problem. Have performed "reset file sync history"

I estimate that this is happening to the my entries before 2022.. Some time in 2023 I changed my sync option to "as needed" from "at sync time", and during the change I had confirmed that all the files are indeed synced with my server (personal nas), there was no error.

Also confirming that the iOS version is experiencing the same issue.

Kindly help.

Report ID: 608295652

Edit: after changing "as needed" -> "at sync time": Z7 does seem to be able to grab more files that it was otherwise unable to before the change. (For those that Z7 cannot grab - oddly enough, the files cannot be found on my server...)
  • As noted on that page, we'd need a Debug ID — not a Report ID — for a failed attempt to download a file that existed online.
  • edited June 27, 2023
    Upon further inspection + waited for the full sync to complete: I conclude that webdav syncing works normally. All the files that Z7 doesn't link is due to it not existing server-end...

    I'm not sure what has happened with my syncing, though. Thankfully I kept a backup of my previous /storage folder and with that I can locate the lost files and link back manually.
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