Edit highlight (PDF) - macOS (desktop and iPadOS)

Hello, is there any way to edit highlight annotations with a shortcut (desktop) on with The Pencil? In the desktop i can't edit without selecting text, color and then adding to an existing note.

Thank you.
  • Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking. Can you say more? Are you talking about iOS or macOS?
  • Sorry If I was not clear.
    I was asking if I can edit a highlighted PDF annotation using a shortcut on the macOS? For instance, if I highlight a paragraph, then I want to add other paragraph, I would like to use a shortcut for adding this latter paragraph to the highlighted area and to the existing note.

    I was trying to compare this with the selecting using the Apple Pencil (in the iPadOS), where it is a little more easier.
  • Still not sure I'm understanding. In what way is it easier on iOS? Are you referring to the Merge option on iOS when you select multiple annotations? That's not currently available in the desktop app, but it's planned.
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