Display folder in add/edit citation menu
When searching for a citation to add, the drop-down will show the libraries items are stored in (my library, shared libraries, etc.). I have a large number of items in my library and organize folders by project. Is there some way to display items with the folder name in my library?
E.g., if I currently search "miles" the drop-down displays items by Miles in my library, shared library A, and shared library A. I would like the items in "my library" to be shown as "Folder A, Folder B, etc."
Is there some way to do this?
E.g., if I currently search "miles" the drop-down displays items by Miles in my library, shared library A, and shared library A. I would like the items in "my library" to be shown as "Folder A, Folder B, etc."
Is there some way to do this?
adamsmithThat's available in the "classic" add citation dialog. You can use this on a one-off basis by clicking on the small triangle at the left of the red search bar or as the default by checking the option in the "Cite" tab of the Zotero preferences. General improvements in this area are planned, but there have been for quite some time, so no ETA.