Prefixes in author names in bibliography

Hello, could you help me solve the following problem:

I want to use the "Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (author-date)" style. However, I found that it doesn't correctly cite authors whose last names start with prefixes. For example, instead of writing "d'Aiglepierre, R.," it writes "Aiglepierre, R. d'." Whereas the in-text citations display the last name correctly.

Please tell me what I need to change in which line of code to solve this problem? This is the first time I'm encountering something to change, so I'm not very familiar with it.
  • edited June 15, 2023
    Consider the version of the style that you are using and that this may be the _correct_ way to have the name in an alphabetically sorted bibliography. I suspect that is what you are experiencing.

    If not---

    What version of Zotero? How did you obtain the the record -- hand entered, imported from a file, imported from the web using the Zotero browser button? Is the -'- character instead something strange?

    How do you have the name entered in your Zotero record? You should be using the 2-field author name with d'Aiglepierre in the LastName field and R. (or the full first name) in the FirstName field.

  • Even if this is "correct" way to have name for this Chicago Style, how can I change it manually?

    I have the last version of Zotero. This issue occurs both when I import citation from browser or type it manually in Zotero. It's entered in Zotero correctly: "d'Aiglepierre" in the LastName field, "R." in the FirstName field.

    Again, in-text citations display it correctly (d'Aiglepierre 2018)
  • edited June 20, 2023
    Following a style guide can sometimes seem counter intuitive. Correctly following the guide can sometimes feel wrong. The use of Zotero allows you to automatically and correctly alphabetize author names following your chosen style standard.

    The display of the name in the reference list is correct according to the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (author-date).


    When using CMS the correct alphabetically listed authors' names in the reference list follow a rule that places names with "dropping particles" in order without the particle. 'd is a name particle.

    If you have (or want) d'Aiglepierre under the author names beginning with the letter "D" it is incorrect use of Chicago style.

    His name is Ludwig van Beethoven, but in alphabetical order he should be listed as:
    Beethoven, Ludwig van --- (not: van Beethoven, Ludwig)

    edit- see also:

    Note: If you are writing an academic report and you are graded by an especially pedantic professor or TA; not following this rule will lower your grade. If someone lowers your grade after the guidelines are to follow CMS-17 you can point to the style guide to prove that you (and Zotero) are correct. [But you may not want to mention that you are using reference management software.] If you are submitting a manuscript for publication, it is likely that you will be asked to change the reference listing to properly follow Chicago-17.

    Same with MLA and other styles.

    Just to make things more complicated, single-syllable last names may be an exception:
    de Gaulle" where "de" is followed by a one-syllable name.

    Aiglepierre, Rohen d
    Beethoven, Ludwig van
    de Gaulle, Charles
    Maupassant, Guy de

    The use of Zotero allows you to automatically and correctly alphabetize author names following the chosen style standard.
  • Set "demote-non-dropping-particle="never" in the first row of the style to change this.
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