Built-in pdf reader breaks after compressing pdf files


As I want to reduce the overall file size of my library, I tend to compress pdf files with a lot of images. However, this seems to break something within the built-in pdf reader of Zotero. All characters are replaced by some weird other character (see here: https://imgur.com/B3VAAMj).
This is only happening with the built-in pdf reader of Zotero. If I open the same file in Adobe Acrobat or even the web version of Zotero, the pdf is rendered correctly (see here: https://imgur.com/a/IV7gs6p).

I hope that this issue can be fixed quite easily and quickly.

Kind regards
  • The compression is probably aggressively removing fonts, and Zotero PDF reader doesn't have fallback fonts. Most likely the issue will be fixed in Zotero 7.
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