Changing custom location for Zotfile


I'm using Zotfile, and currently have the preferences for storage as "Custom location" with the location as D:\Dropbox\3-Zotero on my desktop. I would like to put this "3-Zotero" folder inside a different folder now. But I want to make sure this will not mess anything up with the links I've already created between Zotero and my desktop files. If I move the folder "3-Zotero" folder and then change the Zotfile preferences accordingly, will all of my older links between Zotero and my desktop remain? E.g., if I put the "3-Zotero" folder into one called "Documents" and then change the Zotfile custom location to D:\Dropbox\Documents\3-Zotero -- will that preserve my earlier links created by Zotfile?
  • E.g., if I put the "3-Zotero" folder into one called "Documents" and then change the Zotfile custom location to D:\Dropbox\Documents\3-Zotero -- will that preserve my earlier links created by Zotfile?
    Not by itself, no. What you'd want to do is to change the relative link base directory (Zotero Preferences -- Advanced -- Files and Folders) to D:\Dropbox\3-Zotero, make sure that works (ideally verify using Zutilo, which will show relative links), then move the folder, change the ZotFile preferences, and change the relative link to D:\Dropbox\Documents\3-Zotero
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