Feature suggestion: "Related items" context menu item

edited June 2, 2023
* Update: I see that this is partially implemented in the Zutilo extension, but not as a top-level context menu item. It is also possible to set a shortcut key in Zutilo ("R" for "related," for example), which is an excellent customization. However, I stand by my suggestion for a top-level context-menu item to reach more users. This would be particularly useful for new users of Zotero (students, early-career scholars, migrants from other citation managers, etc.) not aware of or ready for more customization.

  • Easily link items as "related" in the right-click context menu.
  • Context menu item to make all selected items "Related."
  • Essentially, this would move the current workflow from the Related pane to the central pane and make it top-level accessible rather than burying it.
  • As demonstrated by the popularity (and at least anecdotal effectiveness) of second-brain systems such as Roam, Obsidian, etc., the ability to easily link and backlink between sources and ideas is a powerful tool much appreciated by researchers. Despite this, the "Related" functionality in Zotero is underused, possibly because of excessive friction in the GUI, if past forum comments, my own experience, and conversations with colleagues and students are to be believed.
  • "Related" is a different function than tagging. The latter is often suggestive rather than indicative of relationships, especially with automatic tags.
  • As past forum posts have argued, this could be a short-term workaround to not having nested entry functionality for books and book sections, for example.
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