Zotero - Preview of Search Results - Plug-in

Hello everyone! I am looking for a plug-in that will enable me to preview search results the way Mendeley does. The lack of this feature is the only reason I can't commit to using Zotero, really. And this is coming from a person who pushed their school to obtaining an institutional subscription for Zotero in the past.

I read many posts asking for this feature, and but the looks of it, I do think that this is not a priority for the devs team for some reason, and highly likely, it won't be so for the foreseeable future, which is sad.

Anyway, so, here I am trying to give this another chance with a plug-in, that is, if it even exists.
  • (I deleted the post that misunderstood the request here, but note that "search result snippets" would be a clearer way of describing this. )

    I'm not aware of any plugins that offer this, but we've long said we planned to support it in Zotero. It didn't used to be technically possible in our items tree, but we recently introduced a new items tree implementation that should make it possible to add this and other varied content.
    I do think that this is not a priority for the devs team for some reason, and highly likely, it won't be so for the foreseeable future, which is sad
    1) We get hundreds of feature requests a year, and every one is important for someone.

    2) Something not being implemented so far has no bearing on when it might be.
  • Thank you! I wasn't sure how to phrase the idea. I have heard about the 7 beta version, and downloaded it thinking it might have a search result snippet feature, but to no avail.

    I really hope the feature will be added to Zotero soon. This feature would be extremely helpful in navigating the library, given the number of sources I -we all- read and annotate are getting more and more overwhelming by the day.

    I will keep an eye on the upcoming versions.

    Thanks again!
  • I *really* need this, too. My library is little use to me if I can't readily narrow down search results :(
  • This feature is very useful and I hope it gets implemented soon.
  • +1 would be great to have a solution here

    In the meantime, for people who are comfortable with the command line, I found this option:

  • I really ended up buying a license for HoudahSpot for Mac. That seems to have solved the issue for me.
  • @gwestneat

    That's also my current go-to alternative!

    Can't wait when the global search with snippets (search results with context) will be implemented.

    Thanks for the awesome work you are doing!
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