syncing with Jungle Disk Report ID: 829790298

Report ID: 829790298

Dear Zotero community,

Greetings…I have been using Jungle Disk to sync my Zotero files for the last 4 months. I made a change in the account and now I am unable to verify the server. I am using “”…but once I attempt to verify the server I get the following error message.

“The WebDAV server did not accept the username and password you entered. Please check your storage settings or contact your server administrator.”

I am working on wrapping up my dissertation and can really use some help with this. Thank you in advance for taking the time to help.
  • Another JD user might come along, but this is more a question for JungleDisk than for here. Zotero just needs a valid WebDAV server.

    By the way, you have the message "SSL certificate error connecting to localhost. Load your WebDAV URL in your browser for more information." a few times in your error report, but I assume that's from before you switched it to
  • Please don't create additional threads for the same issue. As I said above, you'll need to work this out with JungleDisk.
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