Scispace Integration (Add-On) in Zotero

Scispace ( is another interesting and very useful tool. Integration between Zotero and Scispace will provide tremendous benefits. Are there any other Scispace Add-Ons or Zotero Add-Ons that have the same functionality as Scispace?
  • I am experiencing Scispace plugin for Chrome. It is awesome. I strongly support your idea.
  • I am excited about this idea too. Now there is no related add-on in GitHub. Calls for help!
  • there is a plugin from, I think they offer similar services.
    Also there are couple of plugins to connect to openAI API and search within the document etc.
  • hi@orhancan, thanks for your recommendation. I have tried but it works more related to connected papers, not like chatting with papers.
  • ah sorry, I see.
    there is a zotero plugin from and zoterogpt that uses openAI API to directly chat with papers but ymmv
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