Word plug in: mistake in in-text citation APA 7


I noticed that when I add bibliography, zotero processes some of the in-text citations with mistakes:

- for a paper with more than two authors, it adds the second author
(Kolinjivadi, Van Hecken, et al., 2019)
instead of
(Kolinjivadi et al., 2019) --> how it should be and how manual generation of in-text citation in zotero works like

- for some in-text citations, it randomly adds a first letter of the author's name
(S. C. Farber et al., 2006)
instead of
(Farber et al., 2006) --> how it should be and how manual generation of in-text citation in zotero works like

I don't really understand where the problem lays as these mistake appeared in a random selection of papers but they're consistent throughout the text (e.g., Kolinjivadi et al., 2019 is always cited as Kolinjivadi, Van Hecken, et al., 2019 and Farber et al., 2006 is always cited as S. C. Farber et al., 2006).

Is there any way to fix that?

Thank you very much in advance!

Kind regards,
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